If you want to have a play with the new Windows Phone client (WP7) for Lync then Microsoft haven’t quite setup the DNS records yet (or they are still propagating round the internet). Not to worry you can force it by manually specifying some URL’s…

(If your using your own domain with O365 or on one of the higher plans check these guides… Set up Lync mobile devices and Set up your network for Lync Online or my guides here for “on-premise” deployments

  • Start the Lync mobile client
  • Enter your username as: <name>@<domain>.onmicrosoft.com
  • Enter your password

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  • Specify a username in the same format: <name>@<domain>.onmicrosoft.com
  • Toggle the “Auto-detect services” & enter the following as the “External Discovery URL”
  • Chances are you’ll never be “internal” to the Office 365 network so we can probably leave the internal one clear for now..!
  • It looks like some clients throw a wobbler if you don’t give them an “internal URL” too, so just repeat the process for the Internal Discovery URL

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You should now be able to connect & enjoy having a play around.

Thanks to @richfrombechtle for giving it a test…