TMG SP2 was recently released and includes all the updates and hotfixes since SP1 Update 1 but also brings some new features, including much improved error pages. It’s about time because lets face it, the old style “brown” pages were pretty terrible and confusing for users. It’s good to see Microsoft improving in this area and making things a bit more friendly, particularly if you are using the Web Protection filtering.
For a quick install step-by-step for a TMG standalone server have a look at my previous post
The new error pages aren’t enabled by default, its an array level setting that needs to be changed:
Bring up the array properties
Move to the “error pages” tab and you can now enable SP2 level error page
The new look pages
new 502 “page cannot be displayed” error
- 504 “connection time out”
Category blocked page (with override)
I’m sure you’ll agree the new error pages look much better than the original TMG “brown” pages that were a legacy from ISA 2004 and beyond. You can browse and customise the error pages by looking in your TMG install folder then “Templates\WebObjectsTemplates\ISA”